Sample Chants
Getting To Know Us
What is Kirtan/Chanting
Highlight Images of Previous Programs
"Remembering" Live Chanting CD
Our Instruments
(Please scroll down the page - click on images to enlarge)
Sign in entrance to Yogananda's home. Calcutta, India |
Yogananda's childhood home. Calcutta, India |
Kundalini, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish - Devotional Singing and Chanting with Western contempory, soul and gospel blends
"Chanting is half the battle."
Paramhansa Yogananda
All travel photography by Michael Halfhill
Please visit other pages for a journey
to sacred sites around the world, other programs and Upcoming Events
(Click on images for larger view)
Yogananda's meditation room in the attic of his home. |
The Buddha - from the Mahabodhi Temple, on the grounds where the Buddha attains enlightenment - Bodhgaya, India |
Jeff Viducich, Bryan Louton, Jenna McAsey, Michael Halfhill, Sean Mee |
Mark Baker, Michael Halfhill, Jenna McAsey |
Mark, Michael and Jenna at Lions Roar |
At Lions Roar Dharma Center |
Left to right: Tim Allen, Jeff Viducich, Michael Halfhill, Brent Bourgeois, Sean Mee |
Michael Halfhill, Christian Salisbury, Prem Kane, Terri Kane |
Crocker Art Museum |
Carmenza on Tablas |
Crocker Art Museum |
Crocker Art Museum |
Crocker Art Museum |
Crocker Art Museum |
Michael leading chant at Sacramento Yoga Center |
Terri and Prem leading chanting at Sacramento Yoga Center |
Chanting at Sunlight of the Spirit |
Click on image above to enlarge.
Click on sound links below for listening to demos of chants.
Our good friend and beloved Tabla player Carmenza. |
Playing the Tingsha's |
Close up of Tingsha's with the mantra "Om Mani Padma Hum" written on them in Tibetan script. |
To join us in the joy of Kirtan Chanting please click the Upcoming Events link on the left side of the page to view our schedule.
We are available to play for private and public functions, including in your home. If you would like schedule or inquire about a date please contact us using the Order/Contact Us link to the left of the page.
I would also like to invite you to explore the website and enjoy the Photographic Galleries, Audio Visual Previews, the story lines and educational aspects offered through the links at the left.
In May, 2011 the Kim Quang Temple in Sacramento hosted the Vesak Festival which celebrated the 2600th anniversary of Buddhism. It was the largest and most comprehensive gathering of the Sacramento Buddhist community ever, celebrating the Buddha's life. Twelve Buddhist Centers from various branches and cultural backgrounds of Buddhism participated.
We had the great joy to participate in this milestone celebration.
Michael was also invited to be Master of Ceremonies in 2011 for this momentous occassion.
Back again in 2012
included are images of chanting at the 2012 Sacramento Vesak Festival.
(Click on images to enlarge)
Sacramento Vesak Festival 2011 |
Sacramento Vesak Festival 2011 |
Sacramento Vesak Festival 2011 |
Sacramento Vesak Festival 2012 |
Sacramento Vesak Festival 2012 |
Sacramento Vesak Festival 2012 |
| a Sanskrit word for devotional singing or chanting. Songs, hymns, chants and mantras are put to music known in India as Bhajans. They come in a variety of forms and languages including Hindi, Bengali, Sanskrit, Pali and English. Many are ancient chants and mantras given to us by saints, sages, yogis and great masters from long ago and hard to date. Journey To Awaken Kirtan honors the light of spiritual wisdom, rays from the One Light, expressed in its infinite forms, according to the needs of particular times and places and covers various forms of chanting in Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian traditions.
"Few will hear the secrets hidden within the notes."
Journey To Awaken Kirtan is devotional Kirtan chanting as taught by Paramhansa Yogananda, sharing techniques he taught and educated the west to as a practice in becoming closer to the divine. He was the first Eastern teacher to make the West his home arriving in 1920 and as Yogananda himself said he did not come to "Indianize" or "dogmatize" the west but to share techniques in which all may develop a personal relationship with the divine.
Many of the Hindu chants were "spiritualized" by Yogananda himself, chanting them again and again until he had achieved direct union with the divine from each chant. That vibration was infused into each of his chants to be passed on to all who chant them and focus on the universal acceptance of all true paths to the divine. He profoundly encouraged the chanter to go inward with the chant, to focus with deep concentration and clarity at the point between the eyebrows, the spiritual eye, when chanting.
Journey To Awaken Kirtan is directed by Michael Halfhill and consists of various artists, musicians, special guests and longtime chanters.
Buddhist chanting has been influenced as far back as Michael sitting and chanting with Ram Dass to working with Tibetan monks for many years as well as travels to Thailand, Tibet, Nepal, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and especially India...whose great religious/spiritual richness and diversity has influenced all his chanting. It is with great joy we share in this sacred practice of honoring the one true light and its many forms together and hope you find it to be an uplifting and rewarding experience in your life.
"If you want the truth, I will tell you the truth. Listen to the secret sound, the real sound, which is inside you. The music from the strings no one touches." Kabir
Traditional Indian instrument used in Kirtans called a Harmonium. |
Guitar and traditional Indian instrument called a Tamboura. |
One of many traditional Indian drums called a Dholak. |
Journey To Awaken Kirtan Directed by Michael Halfhill consists of longtime chanters
and various guest artists.
"REMEMBERING" CD artists include:
Michael Halfhill - Harmonium/Tamboura/Guitar/Percussions/Vocals Christian Salisbury - Guitar/Tamboura/Percussions/Vocals Terri Kane - Tamboura/Guitar/Percussions/Vocals Prem Kane - Harmonium/Percussions/Vocals
Journey To Awaken Kirtans (Click on images to enlarge)
Playing for an audience of 400 people at the Crocker Art Museum. |
Crocker Art Museum |
Christian playing the Djembe drum at Lions Roar Dharma Center. |
Ananda Sangha |
Ananda Sangha |
Ananda Sangha |
Tom on the Dholak. |
Michael and Prem playing in Kirtan which opened for Choden Rinpoche visit hosted by Lions Roar Dharma Center |
Crocker Art Museum |
Michael leading a chant and playing the harmonium at Lions Roar Dharma Center. |
Prem on harmonium at Lions Roar Dharma Center. |
Michael, Prem and Terri at Lions Roar. The instrument in front of Terri in this picture is a Tamboura. |